Update your height, weight, profile pic and more: A guide for iOS and Android!

Do you need to update your height, weight, Pacer Nickname or Pacer profile? You may need to update this information for several reasons. You may have made a mistake or quickly clicked through registration and need to update. Perhaps you thought of a better Pacer Nickname. Or, if you’re an Android user you may want to update your stride length. You can do it quickly and easily. Here’s how!

If you don’t have Pacer yet, get Pacer for free today and start tracking your steps!

Get Pacer! If you don’t have Pacer yet, download Pacer for FREE! (on mobile)

Pacer for iOS:

1. Click the “Me” Page

Pacer App Me Page Interface

2. Click on your Pacer Nickname

Pacer App Me Page Interface

Click anywhere on or near your Pacer Nickname, Location or profile. Clicking the Photo displays your profile photo, so don’t click there for now.

3. Update your profile!


You can set or update the following information:

  • Pacer Nickname
  • Location
  • Website (if any)
  • Introduction or personal message

You’ll also see your Personal Profile, which includes:

  • Gender
  • Birth year
  • Weight
  • Height

You can adjust any of these by clicking on them.

Finally, you can change your profile photo by clicking on the photo at the top of the screen. If you don’t have a photo or don’t want to upload one, you can choose one of Pacer’s avatar icons from the list.

When you’re done, simply go back and you’ll see the changes!

Note: Your iPhone has built-in motion-sensing hardware that attempts to calculate stride length based on the motion of your phone. For this reason, Pacer for iOS does not offer adjustable stride length within the app. By using the iPhone’s internal hardware, Pacer saves on battery usage on your phone. This also gives Pacer the ability to recover step data collected by your phone in the event of a crash or if Pacer is shut down in the background. In addition, it prevents conflicts between Pacer measurements and Apple Health measurements when users sync to Apple Health.

If you haven’t downloaded the Pacer app yet, download Pacer for free (on mobile)! You can also check out our website (mobile or desktop) or follow our blog for more great walking and healthy lifestyle tips.

Pacer for Android:

Pacer for Android allows you adjust your step length in addition to your other information. Step length affects the distance calculation on the main Pacer home page (not GPS tracking). This can solve minor issues with distance being under or overcounted.

*Note that changing your step length only affects future data. It will not go back and change past distance.

1. Click the “Me” Page


2. Click on your Pacer Nickname


Click anywhere on or near your Pacer Nickname, Location or profile. Clicking the Photo displays your profile photo, so don’t click there for now.

3. Update your profile!

Pacer App Android Update Profile Interface

You’ll see the following information:

  • Pacer Nickname
  • Location
  • Website (if any)
  • Introduction or personal message

You’ll also see your Personal Profile which includes:

  • Gender
  • Birth year
  • Weight
  • Height
  • Step Length

You can adjust any of these by clicking on them.

Finally, you can change your profile photo by clicking on the photo at the top of the screen. If you don’t have a photo or don’t want to upload one, you can choose one of Pacer’s avatar icons from the list.

What is Step Length?

For many Android devices*, Pacer for Android allows you to adjust your step length. This is used to calculate distance from your step count. Pacer works by counting steps using the motion of your phone. Our passive distance measurement on the home screen is an estimate based on your steps, this step length and for some devices other information that your phone can capture.

If your distance measurement is consistently low or high, you can adjust step length to compensate. A longer step length means more distance for a given step count, while shorter step length gives less distance.

For more precise distance measurements, please use Pacer’s GPS walk tracking. You can find it by going to the main Pacer interface and swiping left. That uses active GPS to give you an accurate track of your walk, at the cost of decreased battery life due to active GPS.

When you’re done, simply go back and you’ll see the changes!

*Note – some Android devices have built-in step counting systems. If you adjust your Pacer settings to use built-in step counting, you may not be able to adjust your step length.

Get Pacer

If you haven’t downloaded the Pacer app yet, download Pacer for free (on mobile)! You can also check out our website (mobile or desktop) or follow our blog for more great walking and healthy lifestyle tips.

7 thoughts on “Update your height, weight, profile pic and more: A guide for iOS and Android!

    1. You can find the Me page by clicking “Me” on the navigation bar at the bottom of the screen. The top part is your personal data – You can set a photo, a Pacer nickname, a brief message etc. To set that, click anywhere on or near your Pacer nickname or description. There should be arrows in the screenshots above to see where to click. Then just input the data that you need!

      If you didn’t set your data during registration, or made an error, you can fix it this way! Hope that helps!

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